piscy02: Headphones please!
@kratissimo here is one of my entries for the #9patchchallenge! This is a little chorale warmup thingy we’ve been doing in orchestra recently, and it was sooo fun to make! Also I just got a new bow so expect my violin covers to be slightly better 🤣 Happy #ACAPRIDE! 🌈💙’s
piscy02: Headphones please! @kratissimo here is one of my entries for the #9patchchallenge! This is a little chorale warmup thingy we’ve been doing in orchestra recently, and it was sooo fun to make! Also I just got a new bow so expect my violin covers to be slightly better 🤣 Happy #ACAPRIDE! 🌈💙’s #acapella#acapellaapp#acapellaappstore#violin#orchestra#chorale#harmonies#harmony#cover#mashup#collab#joinmycollab#SpreadKindness💙
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