GreasyGrape: When you realize there’s barely any Milky Chance covers to collab with and most of them are from 3 years ago and are request to collab 😪 At least i found this really cute one!! She did an amazing job! I love the style she chose!! Any more #qanda questions?
#milkychance #collab #flute #guitar #banjo #stolendance #dance #percussion #cover #indie #pop #german
GreasyGrape: When you realize there’s barely any Milky Chance covers to collab with and most of them are from 3 years ago and are request to collab 😪 At least i found this really cute one!! She did an amazing job! I love the style she chose!! Any more #qanda questions? #milkychance #collab #flute #guitar #banjo #stolendance #dance #percussion #cover #indie #pop #german
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