evs: #grandfunkrailroad had a couple of cool songs. Heres me ruining one of their classics! All the #singing can be replaced, as well as the #bass #guitar and #banjo #drum kinda thingy. #somekindawonderful #hopeyouenjoy #evs #acapella #joinmycollab #acapellaapp #acapellastore #ihatehashtags #idontevenknowwhatahashtagdoes
evs: #grandfunkrailroad had a couple of cool songs. Heres me ruining one of their classics! All the #singing can be replaced, as well as the #bass #guitar and #banjo #drum kinda thingy. #somekindawonderful #hopeyouenjoy #evs #acapella #joinmycollab #acapellaapp #acapellastore #ihatehashtags #idontevenknowwhatahashtagdoes
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