CyrustheCray: A +10 typhoon just hit HK today. Huge hurricane, several hundreds of trees had fallen. So...
"I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather, and the weather never gave a damn about me" lol and Pretty. Odd. is absolutely my fav album so why not. I even painted my uke PO style.
Also i feel sorry for Macau I hope theyre alright🙏🏻🇲🇴
#panicatthedisco #prettyodd #doyouknowwhatimseeing #brendonurie #ryanross #jonwalker #spencersmith #singing #vocals #guitar #violin #ukulele #acoustic
CyrustheCray: A +10 typhoon just hit HK today. Huge hurricane, several hundreds of trees had fallen. So... "I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather, and the weather never gave a damn about me" lol and Pretty. Odd. is absolutely my fav album so why not. I even painted my uke PO style. Also i feel sorry for Macau I hope theyre alright🙏🏻🇲🇴 #panicatthedisco #prettyodd #doyouknowwhatimseeing #brendonurie #ryanross #jonwalker #spencersmith #singing #vocals #guitar #violin #ukulele #acoustic
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