TheSingingMixer: I had to hop on the @RJ #basseybass train, & #ThePolice's brilliant #WalkingOnTheMoon is the perfect song to #joinin! A littke #reggae #guitar shimmer, that awesome slinky #bassline and a #3partharmony chorus make this a blast to sing. #joinmycollab, #takeasolo, #havesomefun - as #Sting says in the song, #Mayaswellplay #tsm
TheSingingMixer: I had to hop on the @RJ #basseybass train, & #ThePolice's brilliant #WalkingOnTheMoon is the perfect song to #joinin! A littke #reggae #guitar shimmer, that awesome slinky #bassline and a #3partharmony chorus make this a blast to sing. #joinmycollab, #takeasolo, #havesomefun - as #Sting says in the song, #Mayaswellplay #tsm
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