piscy02: This is an #original that I wrote about last year. Just as a whole 🤣. Hope you like it! Fun fact: I actually wrote this on #guitar but it was a tab and I didn’t really love it, so I brought it to #ukulele and just played chords :) Anyways, please #joinmycollab and add lyrics! Personally, I think this son could end up being really cheerful or just about the most depressing thing ever. Make it what you want! 💚’s
#ACAPRIDE #spreadkindness #collab #acapella #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore #acoustic #harmony
piscy02: This is an #original that I wrote about last year. Just as a whole 🤣. Hope you like it! Fun fact: I actually wrote this on #guitar but it was a tab and I didn’t really love it, so I brought it to #ukulele and just played chords :) Anyways, please #joinmycollab and add lyrics! Personally, I think this son could end up being really cheerful or just about the most depressing thing ever. Make it what you want! 💚’s #ACAPRIDE #spreadkindness #collab #acapella #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore #acoustic #harmony
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