mosszuniga: And here it goes another PTX cover but this time with these talented and amazing singers, I thank them for taking the time to record this and collabing in this old masterpiece :)
Voice Parts
Soprano - @Nicoleplusmusic
Baritone/Tenor - @jcrisgarci
Alto - @kratissimo
Tenor - @Dr. Dirigible
Bass - @mosszuniga
#harmony #cover #pentatonix #ptxcover #madworld #garyjules #sing #singing #harmonies #bass #music #acapellacover #acapella #acapellaapp #arrangement #mossz
mosszuniga: And here it goes another PTX cover but this time with these talented and amazing singers, I thank them for taking the time to record this and collabing in this old masterpiece :) Voice Parts Soprano - @Nicoleplusmusic Baritone/Tenor - @jcrisgarci Alto - @kratissimo Tenor - @Dr. Dirigible Bass - @mosszuniga #harmony #cover #pentatonix #ptxcover #madworld #garyjules #sing #singing #harmonies #bass #music #acapellacover #acapella #acapellaapp #arrangement #mossz
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