arisinggg: this was a while back but found it on private and thought it was dECenT 20.01.21 also noticed these solo ones are getting the most likes lol iNteRestinG Thank youuuu!! also anyone collab plZ ciao#goodgirlgonebad #GoodGirlGoneBad #work #acapellaapp #collabwithme #hello2021 #love
#rihanna #umbrella #Rihanna #Umbrella #stay #mandown #acapellaapp #Acapella #JayZ #cover #singing #piano
arisinggg: this was a while back but found it on private and thought it was dECenT 20.01.21 also noticed these solo ones are getting the most likes lol iNteRestinG Thank youuuu!! also anyone collab plZ ciao#goodgirlgonebad #GoodGirlGoneBad #work #acapellaapp #collabwithme #hello2021 #love #rihanna #umbrella #Rihanna #Umbrella #stay #mandown #acapellaapp #Acapella #JayZ #cover #singing #piano
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