kratissimo: #happySunday #whatAFriendWeHaveInJesus #tsm #kratissimo #MuchMuchness #extra #kratissimoMeansExtra
Thank you so much to #ryosuke-bass and #thesingingmixer for this sweet grooving jazzy version of the classic #hymn
I had so much fun MUCHNESSing it up
#praiseandworship #jazzcover #collab #christianjazz #standupbass #3partharmony
kratissimo: #happySunday #whatAFriendWeHaveInJesus #tsm #kratissimo #MuchMuchness #extra #kratissimoMeansExtra Thank you so much to #ryosuke-bass and #thesingingmixer for this sweet grooving jazzy version of the classic #hymn I had so much fun MUCHNESSing it up #praiseandworship #jazzcover #collab #christianjazz #standupbass #3partharmony
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