jecissalynn: @naipok started a thing, @Atticus added a thing to it, and then I added a thing to it. White glasses frame is the “normal” harmony and red glasses frames are the optional, experimental harmonies (and can definitely be replaced with other things) 😃
#titanium #harmonies #cover #acapella #acappella #acapellaapp #harmony #dissonance #davidguetta #sia #quintet #collab #joinmycollab #joinourcollab #collabwithme #collabwithus
jecissalynn: @naipok started a thing, @Atticus added a thing to it, and then I added a thing to it. White glasses frame is the “normal” harmony and red glasses frames are the optional, experimental harmonies (and can definitely be replaced with other things) 😃 #titanium #harmonies #cover #acapella #acappella #acapellaapp #harmony #dissonance #davidguetta #sia #quintet #collab #joinmycollab #joinourcollab #collabwithme #collabwithus
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