MusicallyMegan: SUPRISE!🥁 1ST video with the DRUM SET WOOHOO I finally did it 😅 And thank you all SO MUCH for 555 followers!!!😮 WOW ❤️❤️❤️
I hope this song is an encouragement to all of you and that you all will be reminded that in this world of chaos, we can fix our eyes on the one that is never changing, which is God☝🏼
Fun Fact About Me: For King & Country is my FAVORITE BAND😆
#forkingandcountry #cover #acapellaapp #vocals #singing #harmony #harmonies #piano #drums #percussion #drumset #music #musicallymegan
MusicallyMegan: SUPRISE!🥁 1ST video with the DRUM SET WOOHOO I finally did it 😅 And thank you all SO MUCH for 555 followers!!!😮 WOW ❤️❤️❤️ I hope this song is an encouragement to all of you and that you all will be reminded that in this world of chaos, we can fix our eyes on the one that is never changing, which is God☝🏼 Fun Fact About Me: For King & Country is my FAVORITE BAND😆 #forkingandcountry #cover #acapellaapp #vocals #singing #harmony #harmonies #piano #drums #percussion #drumset #music #musicallymegan
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