DGo: Come join the band! All welcome. Many thanks @jlemonade for inviting me to this awesome jam with your smooth, sensuous vocals and keys. @DeletedUser for groovn drumbeats and mixing skills, @onemanband , for super funky guitar and @MrMick for rockn bass. Loved every moment groovn to this. ❤️ #collab #harmonies #acapella #guitar #vocals #mashup #joinmycollab #cover #drums #congas #Lizzo #GoodAsHell #sing #collabwithme #collaboration #acapellaapp #funk #pop #rnb #soul #top #world #cat
#popular #mashup #DGo
DGo: Come join the band! All welcome. Many thanks @jlemonade for inviting me to this awesome jam with your smooth, sensuous vocals and keys. @DeletedUser for groovn drumbeats and mixing skills, @onemanband , for super funky guitar and @MrMick for rockn bass. Loved every moment groovn to this. ❤️ #collab #harmonies #acapella #guitar #vocals #mashup #joinmycollab #cover #drums #congas #Lizzo #GoodAsHell #sing #collabwithme #collaboration #acapellaapp #funk #pop #rnb #soul #top #world #cat #popular #mashup #DGo
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