TheRealReefOnline: Do what you love and you love what you do. #NeverTooMuch I want to send a #specialthanks to social friend/follower that #requested this #cover! I honestly never thought of covering this prior, because #LutherVandross is a legend… but #fuckit you #youonlyliveonce (in this current body) so why not? That led me down the path to find this dynamic duo; A #femaledrummer and #femalebassist that are probably some of the best musicians I’ve ever heard #NoCap! Please go follow them I promise #youwontregretit. @itsukadrums & @_moeka1213_ (Instagram) Their divine talent really inspired me to #collaborate with them. Enjoy 🤲🏾 Family! #80sRNB #80sMusic #1000Kisses #BassPlayers #Drummers #SingingCover #RNBCover #CoverSong #RNB #RNBOnly