michaëlla: In remembrance of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a song to remind us how unity and respect are the ways we can make the world a better place. I wasn’t around when 9/11 happened, but the events still affect me and my family to this day. When officers at airports see my family’s Middle Eastern last name, we often have to go through extra screenings. And I don’t see it as a bad, stereotypical thing to do. I see it as a way that our leaders thought would protect our country. But we still never would have needed these extra screenings in the first place. We honestly SHOULDN’T need them. These are rough times. Humanity is in a bind of sorts. There are some really incredible, kind, wonderful people out there. But there also aren’t. There are type of people who would hijack 4 planes and drive them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and almost the Capitol. The only way to cancel out those people is to be kind. Be respectful. Treat all people the way that they deserve. We are all human. And we all deserve to be treated as such. #911 #911remembrance #20thanniversary #healtheworld #michaeljackson #ellasprettygoodones