fabi: Da minha Janela - Original song by Fabi. This song I wrote during the Pandemic and it is about being locked down while the animals are free. The title “From my window” is about waiting for a better world… Thank you so much Neil for the amazing drums and Peter for the awesome bass! I am so happy to play wiith you! #mashup#acapella#AcapellaApp#Fabi#original
fabi: Da minha Janela - Original song by Fabi. This song I wrote during the Pandemic and it is about being locked down while the animals are free. The title “From my window” is about waiting for a better world… Thank you so much Neil for the amazing drums and Peter for the awesome bass! I am so happy to play wiith you! #mashup#acapella#AcapellaApp#Fabi#original
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