Nightlin_: Hope y'all enjoy! Sorry if it sounds iffy, I'm a bit sick, but I can't let that stop me from singing. I am at 95 right now, and I cannot be more thankful for all of you amazing singers/musicians. Everyone keep being awesome😃
#babyitscoldoutside#winter #christmas#harmonies#merry
#acapella#happyholidays #joinmycollab#featureme
Nightlin_: Hope y'all enjoy! Sorry if it sounds iffy, I'm a bit sick, but I can't let that stop me from singing. I am at 95 right now, and I cannot be more thankful for all of you amazing singers/musicians. Everyone keep being awesome😃 #babyitscoldoutside#winter #christmas#harmonies#merry #acapella#happyholidays #joinmycollab#featureme
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