InToneNation: Barbershop Polecat Challenge - Sweet & Lovely
Lead vocals are a bit rough because I have a cold but I did my best. Voice cracks will sound better with 3 other parts. I held out certain part for the bari and tenor to be able to milk their parts. The tag is shorter. Have fun!
#barbershoppolecatchallenge #polecat #challenge #polecatchallenge #collab #jointhe collab #singing #barbershop #quartet #barbershopquartet #harmony #acapella #weneedyourvoice
Have fun and join in on your favorite part.
InToneNation: Barbershop Polecat Challenge - Sweet & Lovely Lead vocals are a bit rough because I have a cold but I did my best. Voice cracks will sound better with 3 other parts. I held out certain part for the bari and tenor to be able to milk their parts. The tag is shorter. Have fun! #barbershoppolecatchallenge #polecat #challenge #polecatchallenge #collab #jointhe collab #singing #barbershop #quartet #barbershopquartet #harmony #acapella #weneedyourvoice Have fun and join in on your favorite part.
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