kratissimo: #openArms #journey #leadNeedsReplaced #singLead #needSingers #cover #collab #joinmycollab @bassdude456 @TheSingingMixer
Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL guitar track,which is absolutely gorgeous alone- but i thank you for sharing it and having open collab settings ...aaaAnd for redoing it so we could sing with ya ! Greatly appreciated!! #kratissimo
kratissimo: #openArms #journey #leadNeedsReplaced #singLead #needSingers #cover #collab #joinmycollab @bassdude456 @TheSingingMixer Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL guitar track,which is absolutely gorgeous alone- but i thank you for sharing it and having open collab settings ...aaaAnd for redoing it so we could sing with ya ! Greatly appreciated!! #kratissimo
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