TheSingingMixer: #HarveyDanger’s #FlagpoleSitta is a brilliant #90s #Rock rant against #AWorldThatTearsYouDown! So when I saw this awesome #fullband #bass #guitar #drum & #vocal #cover from @Cmazz3 @MrMick & #SpecialKay, I had to #collab in in this cathartic #lead! These guys laid this song down with power & style & it is so satisfying to #WailItOut!! #JoinmyCollab if you need to let loose, too! #tsm #cmz #MrM
TheSingingMixer: #HarveyDanger’s #FlagpoleSitta is a brilliant #90s #Rock rant against #AWorldThatTearsYouDown! So when I saw this awesome #fullband #bass #guitar #drum & #vocal #cover from @Cmazz3 @MrMick & #SpecialKay, I had to #collab in in this cathartic #lead! These guys laid this song down with power & style & it is so satisfying to #WailItOut!! #JoinmyCollab if you need to let loose, too! #tsm #cmz #MrM
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