kratissimo: For at least 3 years, I have attempted to recreate this beautiful vintage version of #JeepersCreepers with these tight female 4-part harmonies - And for 3 years i failed miserably 😅. So i went to the only musical genius friend i have @MarySaxophone . And to my surprise, she not only transcribed the 4 vocal parts, but also the rest of the band. Its perfect and a dream come true and i cant thank you enough Mary. And also to everyone who played. These are some of the best musicians in the entire world to me and its such an incredible honor! @MarySaxophone - saxiest sax. Also - transcription/arr @jecissalynn - vocal-y-est vocals @bassdude456 - the bassiest bass @mus1c14n - the trumpet-y-est trumpet @Ursu - the drummiest drums @Gurae - the boniest trumbone @kratissimo - askiest asker #kmo #halloween #hallomas #christmalloween #gre #mry #jln #anz #urs #alx