UkuleLEE: #HueyLewisandtheNews #WorkinForALivin #Uke #Jam #OpenCollab #Cover #Collab #Anybody #Everybody #80s #Rock
Here's a new #work assignment for ya! I'm sharing just the instrumental parts I did to the open Acaworld... Have fun with it as you like! You betta werk! This was done in C instead of A, for my own vocal needs. I can reboot in A on request!
UkuleLEE: #HueyLewisandtheNews #WorkinForALivin #Uke #Jam #OpenCollab #Cover #Collab #Anybody #Everybody #80s #Rock Here's a new #work assignment for ya! I'm sharing just the instrumental parts I did to the open Acaworld... Have fun with it as you like! You betta werk! This was done in C instead of A, for my own vocal needs. I can reboot in A on request!
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