rynniepinnie: ✨✨✨A Doja Cat Mashup✨✨✨
Kiss Me More + Say So
I love both of these songs so much and could hear how they would mesh so I tried to make a mashup with them! I low key hoped it would sound better than what I came up with but this is the best I got 😭 hope u like it! 😁
#mashup #cover #song #singing #vocals #harmonies #riffs #collab #collabwithme #dojacat #kissmemore #sayso #acapella #AcapellaApp
rynniepinnie: ✨✨✨A Doja Cat Mashup✨✨✨ Kiss Me More + Say So I love both of these songs so much and could hear how they would mesh so I tried to make a mashup with them! I low key hoped it would sound better than what I came up with but this is the best I got 😭 hope u like it! 😁 #mashup #cover #song #singing #vocals #harmonies #riffs #collab #collabwithme #dojacat #kissmemore #sayso #acapella #AcapellaApp
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