Alegría Capella: Jude 24, 25. Jesus is able for he provides every way to keep us from falling. So we have no excuse ;). Thank you Lord! #Thankful #Praise #Jesus #ThankYouLord #Gospel #Acapella #ScriptureSong #BibleVerse #AcapellaApp #Harmonies #Mashup #Soprano #Alto #Tenor #Baratone #4PartHarmony #Harmony #Mixcord #ILoveMusic #SDA #Christian #ChristianMusic #Blessings #JoinMyCollab
Alegría Capella: Jude 24, 25. Jesus is able for he provides every way to keep us from falling. So we have no excuse ;). Thank you Lord! #Thankful #Praise #Jesus #ThankYouLord #Gospel #Acapella #ScriptureSong #BibleVerse #AcapellaApp #Harmonies #Mashup #Soprano #Alto #Tenor #Baratone #4PartHarmony #Harmony #Mixcord #ILoveMusic #SDA #Christian #ChristianMusic #Blessings #JoinMyCollab
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