bassdude456: Its time for some metal via some Judas Priest! My man @funtastic started this little ditty and took on the vox and guitar duties. @Cmazz3 drives the bus on the drums and @kratissimo brought her soulful backing vox to the party! Its time to start Living After Midnight once again! Rock on everybody.
#joinmycollab #collab #cover #judaspriest #livingaftermidnight #metal #hardrock #guitar #bass #drums #vocals #backingvocals #rockandroll
bassdude456: Its time for some metal via some Judas Priest! My man @funtastic started this little ditty and took on the vox and guitar duties. @Cmazz3 drives the bus on the drums and @kratissimo brought her soulful backing vox to the party! Its time to start Living After Midnight once again! Rock on everybody. #joinmycollab #collab #cover #judaspriest #livingaftermidnight #metal #hardrock #guitar #bass #drums #vocals #backingvocals #rockandroll
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