Zoralink200: this is so fun, I gotta find more songs that fit me. Haha well I finally got this one out, I know this is like my second bigger blend, and second actual song, but it's actually starting to get easier to blend😁 sound better too, so cool. Love this haha. #guitar #electric #creativedrumset #acoustic #singing #harmony #blend #onemanband #legohouse #edsheeran
Zoralink200: this is so fun, I gotta find more songs that fit me. Haha well I finally got this one out, I know this is like my second bigger blend, and second actual song, but it's actually starting to get easier to blend😁 sound better too, so cool. Love this haha. #guitar #electric #creativedrumset #acoustic #singing #harmony #blend #onemanband #legohouse #edsheeran
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