bassdude456: I forgot how much I love this deep cut by The Beatles! As you can see I could use a keyboard (my little one finally quit on me!)... but fell free to jump in on any part youre feeling. Hope to have some more stuff on the way. Goo Goo Gajoob everybody.
#joinmycollab #collab #cover #thebeatles #iamthewalrus #magicalmysterytour #guitar #bass #drums #acoustic #vocals
bassdude456: I forgot how much I love this deep cut by The Beatles! As you can see I could use a keyboard (my little one finally quit on me!)... but fell free to jump in on any part youre feeling. Hope to have some more stuff on the way. Goo Goo Gajoob everybody. #joinmycollab #collab #cover #thebeatles #iamthewalrus #magicalmysterytour #guitar #bass #drums #acoustic #vocals
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