AndyCal: Tribute to Toby
Started by @bbenkao Ben on guitars, bass, drums-and awesome as always
Andy on voc and lapsteel slide.🎙️🛝🎸
Please join and add more vocals (chorus)@PaulBflute or brass 📯i missed the collab you did by accident. Or keys🎹 or anything
#tobykeith #shouldvebeenacowboy #f*ckcancer #collab #joinmycollab #opencollab
AndyCal: Tribute to Toby Started by @bbenkao Ben on guitars, bass, drums-and awesome as always Andy on voc and lapsteel slide.🎙️🛝🎸 Please join and add more vocals (chorus)@PaulBflute or brass 📯i missed the collab you did by accident. Or keys🎹 or anything #tobykeith #shouldvebeenacowboy #f*ckcancer #collab #joinmycollab #opencollab
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