Cromestar: I love cyndi lauper and @i_am_koji played the guitar so beautiful on this classic so i couldnt help myself. Just had to join in and give it a go
#timeaftertime #cyndilauper
#acapellaapp #acapella #cover #coversong #coversongs #singer #collab #guitar #guitarplayer #cromestar #femalesinger
#joinmycollab #acousticcover #vocalist #singing #songcover
Cromestar: I love cyndi lauper and @i_am_koji played the guitar so beautiful on this classic so i couldnt help myself. Just had to join in and give it a go #timeaftertime #cyndilauper #acapellaapp #acapella #cover #coversong #coversongs #singer #collab #guitar #guitarplayer #cromestar #femalesinger #joinmycollab #acousticcover #vocalist #singing #songcover
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