andrewdavidcoxartist: Still got lots of practicing to do... rhythm has especially always been a weak point for me, but I'm getting better. Thought I'd announce new strings on my electric in style with some original riffing... something I came up with last night and added the two other parts to just now (the small squares on the right.) Always been a rocker at heart! 😁🤘🎸
#rock #music #electric #fender #wsnc #guitar
andrewdavidcoxartist: Still got lots of practicing to do... rhythm has especially always been a weak point for me, but I'm getting better. Thought I'd announce new strings on my electric in style with some original riffing... something I came up with last night and added the two other parts to just now (the small squares on the right.) Always been a rocker at heart! 😁🤘🎸 #rock #music #electric #fender #wsnc #guitar
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