crashthetrash: Ew that second jump was gross. BUT WOW THREE BASS COVERS IN A ROW THAT ARENT MSI 😱😱 #panicatthedisco #patd #bass #cover #basscover #imweird #sayamen #oooooohitssaturdaynight #idk
Qotd: favorite color?
Mines either red or black bc revenge era mcr is nice and the colors are great and im emo like that
crashthetrash: Ew that second jump was gross. BUT WOW THREE BASS COVERS IN A ROW THAT ARENT MSI 😱😱 #panicatthedisco #patd #bass #cover #basscover #imweird #sayamen #oooooohitssaturdaynight #idk Qotd: favorite color? Mines either red or black bc revenge era mcr is nice and the colors are great and im emo like that
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