Voces Milia: Ever wondered how many #worship songs have the same four #chords? 😜 There are more than you think! Here's a #medley of only a few of them (as many as I could fit in this one-minute #Acapella app video). Enjoy!
Voces Milia: Ever wondered how many #worship songs have the same four #chords? 😜 There are more than you think! Here's a #medley of only a few of them (as many as I could fit in this one-minute #Acapella app video). Enjoy! #HereIAmToWorship #SeekYeFirst #MyChainsAreGone #EveryMoveIMake #HolyHolyHoly #ComeNowIsTheTimeToWorship #JoyToTheWorld #AboveAll #IHaveAMaker #TradingMySorrow #ItIsWell
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