MarySaxophone : Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana. I did this song a few months ago but wasn't happy with the outcome so i redid it. #heartshapedbox #nirvana #sopranosax #altosax #tenorsax #cover #joinmycollab
Side Note - My high notes are finally improving. I'm now working on learning the altissimo register on alto sax and have been able to play top G and A! And now i can safely play top F# on soprano (as you can hear in this song!) 😁
MarySaxophone : Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana. I did this song a few months ago but wasn't happy with the outcome so i redid it. #heartshapedbox #nirvana #sopranosax #altosax #tenorsax #cover #joinmycollab Side Note - My high notes are finally improving. I'm now working on learning the altissimo register on alto sax and have been able to play top G and A! And now i can safely play top F# on soprano (as you can hear in this song!) 😁
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