It'sMeEmberlyn!👵🏻❤️: Hi guys!!! It’s Granny❤️❤️ First off I am so sorry for being gone so forkin long, I have been extremely busy now with two jobs (church and DQ)😂 I don’t have half as much time as I did before. But know that I have missed you all dearly❤️❤️ Warning: Voice cracks and flatness ahead. TREAD LIGHTLY. *please wear headphones so people around you cannot hear this, and laugh😁👍* I wanted to post this anyways because I missed my accafam and even though I messed up a bunch you guys are worth it🥰 God loves you and Granny does too!👵🏻❤️ #Gg#Singing#Piano#AndraDay#RiseUp#AccapellaApp#Accafam