GoatmanMusic: “On My Way Home”
I love Pentatonix, and @Nolan"FulcusHD” makes such good arrangements, I had to jump in on this one! Thanks for another fun collab!
#onmyway #onmywayhome #pentatonix #ptx #acapella #pentatonixcover #ptxcover #acapellacover #beatbox #bass #basssinger #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore #collab
GoatmanMusic: “On My Way Home” Pentatonix I love Pentatonix, and @Nolan"FulcusHD” makes such good arrangements, I had to jump in on this one! Thanks for another fun collab! #onmyway #onmywayhome #pentatonix #ptx #acapella #pentatonixcover #ptxcover #acapellacover #beatbox #bass #basssinger #acapellaapp #acapellaappstore #collab
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