AbbyMiller201: Hello fans. We know it has been a very long time since our last video. The reason for this terrible thing is because we have been practicing our skills for 8 weeks. We hope you enjoy the beauty of this. Some people may say "nah fam I'm good" but i say YOU MEANIE! Anyway, the pink dabs on the top left is very very hot & sexy. The screaming Adds a special effect and makes the whole thing so so so much better. The blue/ whatever color it is next to dabs is the hottie, abs. Her fAce and singing of jacob, and her beat boxing makes it so much better and adds a little sugar to the saucy & spicy performance. We should really be on tour with concerts because of how good we are. Our talent is one of a kind and for sure hard to find. We are two ladies with a passion. A passion to change the world with our voices. The dolphins call to us, the seashells cry for our voice, the sunflower seeds yell our name, the fan blows faster when we walk into the room, the lamp sings for our attention, the people yell yeah for us, ab's nose smells our beauty for a mile away, he chair talks about how much they want us on top of it, the tv turns on our music, the cheese turns green and purple to gain our joy, the spicy sauce hollers for our ❤️ and justin beiber & selena gomez wants our voice. #woah #cool #erthanyou #hey #wow #nahfamimgood #alto #treble #asian #heisprobstiny #meanie #barbie #plasticbutthTsfantastic #ilikedabs #absiscool #swagswagswag #backtoschool