CyrustheCray: Life Is Strange has a *hella* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) good soundtrack💙
#santamonicadream #angusandjuliastone #guitar #cajon #singing #vocals #tambourine #lifeisstrange #indie #joinmycollab
Yes im aware that its a bit off... i was sleepy and didnt noticed at that time🙊
CyrustheCray: Life Is Strange has a *hella* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) good soundtrack💙 #santamonicadream #angusandjuliastone #guitar #cajon #singing #vocals #tambourine #lifeisstrange #indie #joinmycollab Yes im aware that its a bit off... i was sleepy and didnt noticed at that time🙊
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