fabi: Nunca Ninguem te Amou Tanto #fabi #originalsong #original #acoustic #acapella #brazilianmusic #airmadolu
I compose this song a few years ago and it is part of my album “Amor de Verao” with Rodrigo Medeiros, Julian Medeiros and my brother Luciano Tedesco. Thank you guys for some unforgetable moments...
fabi: Nunca Ninguem te Amou Tanto #fabi #originalsong #original #acoustic #acapella #brazilianmusic #airmadolu I compose this song a few years ago and it is part of my album “Amor de Verao” with Rodrigo Medeiros, Julian Medeiros and my brother Luciano Tedesco. Thank you guys for some unforgetable moments...
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