kratissimo: Not like this disaster would win anything. But just in case. Im calling this #piscy399challenge.
Because i wanted to play along but im disqualifying myself🤣
Thanks @piscy02 for being here and making ACAland more fun and
keeping all of ACAland in tempo
#joinmycollab. #piscy400challenge #congratson400+ #daftpunk #ptx #getlucky #kratissimo #piscy02 #spreadkindness #acapride #myEarbudsAreAllTwistedNow
kratissimo: Not like this disaster would win anything. But just in case. Im calling this #piscy399challenge. Because i wanted to play along but im disqualifying myself🤣 Thanks @piscy02 for being here and making ACAland more fun and keeping all of ACAland in tempo 😁😁 #joinmycollab. #piscy400challenge #congratson400+ #daftpunk #ptx #getlucky #kratissimo #piscy02 #spreadkindness #acapride #myEarbudsAreAllTwistedNow
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