KatAndMia: Finnaallyy I've recorded my part!! Shoutout to Mia for being a legend and waiting for my lazy (and sick) butt to finally record. This is our version of Treat You Better.
Hope ya enjoy- Kathleen x
#singing #acapella #shawnmendes #cover #treatyoubetter #featureme #song #illuminate #collab #collabwithme #mashup #bass #basses #bassist #guitar #guitars #guitarist #drum #drums #drummer #ukulele #joinmycollab #mashup #pop #music #sing #singer #treat #you #better #shawn #mendes #girl #duet @AcapellaApp #acoustic
KatAndMia: Finnaallyy I've recorded my part!! Shoutout to Mia for being a legend and waiting for my lazy (and sick) butt to finally record. This is our version of Treat You Better. Hope ya enjoy- Kathleen x #singing #acapella #shawnmendes #cover #treatyoubetter #featureme #song #illuminate #collab #collabwithme #mashup #bass #basses #bassist #guitar #guitars #guitarist #drum #drums #drummer #ukulele #joinmycollab #mashup #pop #music #sing #singer #treat #you #better #shawn #mendes #girl #duet @AcapellaApp #acoustic
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