TheSingingMixer: I do miss the #90s! (As @RJ mused), so here is a fine underplayed gem from the late 90s, #OutOfMyHead by #Fastball (from the album
#AllThePainMoneyCanBuy - which actually has a few songs that really stick!). It's a gentle #gospel-tinged tale of being good to those you love. I'd love for folks to come #joinmycollab - there are 6 spots open for #drum #bass #guitar #vocals (even doubling the #lead) or whatever else is inspired! (And if anyone puts together a #cover of #fireescape-I’m in!) #tsm
TheSingingMixer: I do miss the #90s! (As @RJ mused), so here is a fine underplayed gem from the late 90s, #OutOfMyHead by #Fastball (from the album #AllThePainMoneyCanBuy - which actually has a few songs that really stick!). It's a gentle #gospel-tinged tale of being good to those you love. I'd love for folks to come #joinmycollab - there are 6 spots open for #drum #bass #guitar #vocals (even doubling the #lead) or whatever else is inspired! (And if anyone puts together a #cover of #fireescape-I’m in!) #tsm
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