TheSingingMixer: #NatKingCole’s #WhenIFallInLove is 1 of the most lush lovely wonderful #ExpressionsOfLove to be found in #jazz & music in general! This #AcaBigBand scales this mtn & proves itself beyond worthy! @MarySaxophone & @austinlwhite08 Sax, @mus1c14n Trumpet @Prof_L Trombone @bassdude456 Bass & @dwmusic Drums combined their immense talents to craft a #cover that must be #collab’ed if you like the song at all! #joinmycollab #tsm #msx #bd456 #msn #pfl #alw #dwm (& shoutout to @jecissalynn for laying down the perfect 1st vocal to start us all off)
TheSingingMixer: #NatKingCole’s #WhenIFallInLove is 1 of the most lush lovely wonderful #ExpressionsOfLove to be found in #jazz & music in general! This #AcaBigBand scales this mtn & proves itself beyond worthy! @MarySaxophone & @austinlwhite08 Sax, @mus1c14n Trumpet @Prof_L Trombone @bassdude456 Bass & @dwmusic Drums combined their immense talents to craft a #cover that must be #collab’ed if you like the song at all! #joinmycollab #tsm #msx #bd456 #msn #pfl #alw #dwm (& shoutout to @jecissalynn for laying down the perfect 1st vocal to start us all off)
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