starringflutes: this was fun :) listen with earbuds!! also feel free to collab i’d like to hear some other people’s voices on this one💙
I’m staying at a hotel atm and the bathroom’s acoustics were really cool so I was inspired to record this real quick✨
starringflutes: this was fun :) listen with earbuds!! also feel free to collab i’d like to hear some other people’s voices on this one💙 I’m staying at a hotel atm and the bathroom’s acoustics were really cool so I was inspired to record this real quick✨ #wellerman#wellermanseashanty#seashanty#seashanties#wellermansong#wellermantiktok#thewellerman#tiktok#singing#sing#mashup#collab#joinmycollab#cover#singwithme#acapella#acapellaapp#acapellaappstore#featureme#harms#harmonies#harmony#siren#starringflutes
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