l0nelyhours: pahige i am so sorry for making you do that hard work hello !! im lila and i luv things that are pink, doggies, and american apparel. my cutest cutie cute cute cute girlfriend maisy @happyjng makes me happy nd all tingly. i love you i have a twin brother who makes me happy and i love him vv much eros and theo (@anxietics @dashvrie ) are best friends and i love them more then anything @dorkyaf @stealsyourkitty @gottavangogh are all my fantastic parents that i love to death okay now talk to me !! x #openrp #rp #roleplay #literaterp #straightrp #lesbianrp #gayrp #bisexualrp #pansexualrp #dirtyrp #sexrp #gainpost #likes #roleplaying #grunge #like4like #friendrp #dmrp #takenrp #allrp #anyrp #girlrp #boyrp #singlerp #jonnakuchta