true_nigaoloh99: Happy Birthday to my Mama! I hope you get up tomorrow early want to treat you to breakfast with the whole view of downtown if you wake up? You already know I love you nobody in the world can say a dam thing 😂 technically they can but I wouldn't really care! Since you already know what I got you!!! I know you will love it since you suggested what you want it. Growing up I use to think It was unfair with all the nagging, strictness, and drilling of finishing school. I've always knew it was coming from a good place but only now I realize how it can really affect the outcome of your childs life. I thank you for never being in denial and always gave me what I wanted and needed 😘 #mymama #og #hilarious #blunt #goofy #wannabedancer #love #stillgoingstrong #karsonkillah #😂 #mamashirt #cutthecrap