: If you missed #realrich last night ✋🏽 Pull up to Inception this weekend 💯 It's lit #DMV 🙌🏼 This year the #Dream will be #Bigger and #Better #Inception #2016 February 5, 2016. Glow Baton Inclusive Event. #LightShow The #RaveOLution @djmaga32 and the #DreamTeam make giving back to the community nothing but #Fun Join this year's #revolutionary #rave get $10 tickets @ djmagainception.eventbrite.com Proceeds to be donated to support underprivileged youth in senegal. Learn more on eventbrite. #DreamBig #ADreamWithinADream Big up our awesome DJ cast @djfif @djkilovibes @trinikyddthadj @djkashrag @claudedimartian #dmv #dc