: Afternoon workout complete! Only 35 minutes from home😀 Following BeachBody's Hammer & Chisel program, just finished the Chisel Endurance workout, 330 calories burned🔥🔥🔥 Not bad!💪🏽 Sweating bullets with this one😅💧💦 Plan to do the 40 minute Chisel cardio later on. I'm really enjoying this program so far! I like the workouts because my heart rate stays elevated ( within fat burning range) for a short amount of time which will melt the fat faster😀That's the goal right? 😉 It's convenient as well! I love that I can get in a quick, yet challenging workout in less than 45 minutes without having to leave home😀 I enjoyed a strawberry chocolate protein shake (Shakeology) afterwards, now I'm ready to enjoy the rest of my day😀 Also, since I've had so many people reach out to me regrading their own weight loss struggles, I'm starting a 30 day Fitness Challenge on June 6th for those looking to shape up for the summer. I've already got 15 people on board and ready to go, only have room for 5 more!! If you want in on this, please message me ASAP! Happy Saturday Fit Fam!😉💪🏽 #fitness # exercise #health #hammer&chisel #endurance #muscle #strength #nutrition #eatclean #cleaneating #beachbody #healthcoach #fatloss #girlswithmuscle #weightlossjourney #weightlosschallenge #motivation #inspiration #transformation #work #traindirty #fitchic #operationabs