emmablack26: Ping ping, Happy birthday to my bestest sista franddd in the whole world, I miss you so much and I hope you have the best birthday ever. I can't believe that you have been my best friend my whole life considering we live in different countries. We have so many amazing memories and future plans involving each other like how were going to be rich grandma's living in Bal harbour #twinning on the beach with our hot hats. Basically I'm trying to say is that you are the peanut butter to my jelly and I absolutely could not live without you. You are like my 4th sister or shall I say cabbage patch sister #hothats and even though I might not see you often it's like not even a day has gone by when we finally do see each other. Whenever we visit each other the hardest part is saying goodbye, last time we both balled out eyes out. And even weeks laters we were sending each other crying emojis. You will always be my partner in crime😈 because we didn't choose the thug life the thug life choose us #werebadassx4. Words don't describe our friendship and neither do emojis. Let's just say we're the perfect match. "A brunette and blonde have an unbreakable bond" That's really cheesy but you told me to find that quote so we could be artsy😂🙉🙅 Really long story short I know I can always count on you for everything and that you will always be my best friend❤️ Love you to the moon and back x1000000000000000000000. I can't wait till we go to UFM together. Btw I'm saying sorry in advance for the collage. Love you cuz😂😬😂