sweetstellas: Curls and #crossfit! #crossfitathome #runnersdocrossfittoo #WOD A1: 3x8 push-ups, rest 30sec A2: 3x8 bent over kb row (pause 2sec at top, slow release) rest 10sec btwn arms, rest 1min, back to A1 B1: 3x8 alternating kb power snatches (4/arm), rest 30sec B2: 3x8 sit-ups, rest 1min 12 min #EMOM (every minute on the minute) 30sec squats 30sec no push-up burpees 30sec kb OH carry left 30sec kb OH carry right (I did 8min before the boys were cranky and Graeme needed a nap) Training for #womenrunlondin #ldnont and #canadaarmyrun #halfmarathon