johannasmith_teamfinishstrong: "A heart that has peace is life to the body, but wrong desires are like the wasting away of the bones." (Proverbs 14:30) Losing weight and getting fit is not impossible for the person who has a strong enough will and grits their teeth. Yet, we can be tearing at the seams with muscles, and still wasting away both in our hearts and bodies. True health requires something much deeper. It requires an inside-out transformation. We can be bound to a wheelchair for life and be healthier than someone in peak fitness. That's because when we have peace in our hearts, it is independent of our capabilities. When we experience peace, it breathes life to our bodies and is manifest for everyone to see - even when we're physically limited. My point. Start with the inside. That's the only way to true and complete health. #faithandfitness #fitnessjourney #heartjourney #insideout #peacefulheart