tonynro: Happy Birthday to my baby boy RoRo bear!! 2 years old already, how time passes so fast! I remember the day I was induced to the following day of me pushing your stubborn butt out. 10lb 8.5oz. So much pain but it was all worth it! No words can describe you, you have your own little personality but one things that's for sure is you are filled with lots and lots of energy and so much love. I wish you the best bday ever and don't forget to bring on the terrible twos cause mama is ready for it!! 🙏🏼 lol! I love you my RoRo bear and I always will! #happybirthdaytoroman #terribletwos #itsnowofficial #RomanJuliano #itsyourday #mamasboy #mybabyboy #handsomejustlikebrother #happy2ndbirthday #hesacharacter #lovemybabyboy